Aditya Polytechnic college

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Experienced professors/lecturers backed by skilled staff with top-class laboratory facilities, can one ask for more than this?
Well-equipped facilities with professionally qualified and experienced teaching staff in the field of Electricals and Electronics have churned out many-a-professionals.

The following are some major laboratories in the Electrical and Electronic department: Electrical Machines Lab, Power Electronics, Control Systems Lab, Measurement Labs and Circuit Lab, Simulation Lab.

One of the important traits of our college is the final year projects and our students have simply risen to the occasion by designing and executing projects which have been earmarked as important achievements.

Some of the various socially relevant projects are: Wireless Transmission of Power, Motor Control by GSM Technology, Home Automation, Energy Auditing, Robot which can serve Tea, Scrolling Board, Mobile Jammer, Vehicle tracking system, Solar Bike, Solar Car etc.